
Sunday, 22 August 2010

ARTHaven in the Making! - 5

I knew I'd overdone it at the end of the week... Yesterday I crashed and felt so ill that I couldn't do anything all day, and didn't set foot in my embryonic ARTHaven. When this happens there's nothing for it but to go with the flow, rest, rest, rest, and hope for better things soon!

I have felt much better again today, and managed to get up there this afternoon. I haven't done much, but have put everything into the room that was all over the landing - I've put some things away, but the rest is just dumped wherever there's a space. Here's what it looks like now:

16 ARTHaven in the Making 22 Aug 10

17 ARTHaven in the Making 22 Aug 10

They say childbirth is a messy business! This has certainly been "hard labour" - after Friday, it was looking pristine and ready, and really tidy - probably as tidy as it ever has been, or ever will be! Today it is utter chaos again, but it's a good, positive sort of chaos because all my creative stuff is now in there, if not in place. Trying to sort out where to keep everything so that it works well for me is going to be difficult, and I expect it will go through several metamorphoses until I get it right, if ever!

This has been an adventure, and I've really enjoyed it, especially the sense of achievement. Just a few weeks ago I had no idea I was going to do this, or that it was even possible, and 3 months ago, I hadn't any idea that I would be doing this seriously. It's all due to the inspiration I've had online, and the encouragement of many friends, old and new, to develop what skills I have. So thank you everyone who has taken part in this journey!

Hopefully in a few days I'll be able to post some more photos of my ARTHaven minus chaos - or at least organised chaos!


  1. Oh my gosh - what a formidable task! You have done awesomely. Good luck with the finishing touches!

  2. Just dropped in to say "Good Morning". Good to see you are feeling better. You have such a lovely blog. I will continue to pray for your health and may our Lord bless you abundantly. Lloyd

  3. Well done, shoshi, you are winning this battle, it will,be all worth it, love your blog

  4. I have a specail surprise on my blog for you...Go check it out....

  5. Thank you Celeste! I'm thrilled to have an award! How exciting!!! I've left a comment on your blog.


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