
Thursday, 26 May 2011

Silver Wedding Celebrations 5/5: Presents!

On the morning of our Silver Wedding anniversary (the second day of our holiday), after breakfast we all met in our room, and my hubby and I opened the cards and presents we’d given each other. Having recently discovered how to use the video feature on my digital camera, I used that, but the result wasn’t marvellous, because it’s not as good as my dedicated video camera, and also, the sun was streaming in through the windows. I should have drawn the curtains really… anyway, I managed to get some video footage, and my hubby did a bit of me, although he failed to capture me opening my present which was a shame. I’m doing another blog post about the card I made him, so there will be photos on there, and I’ve already blogged about the present I made him.

He has given me the most beautiful silver necklace with long strands that remind me of a coral necklace.

1 Silver Necklace

He managed to find a perfect box for it, the box it came in not being very nice, he said. He wasn’t to know that the theme of my present and card for him was dark blue, but he chose a dark blue leather box! I am so thrilled with it, and know that it is going to be a special favourite and will be worn a great deal.

2 Box for Silver Necklace

At dinner on the anniversary day, the staff gave us a card that they had all signed, which was so lovely. They were all so pleased for us, and we received many congratulations.

My parents have given us a silver jug, and as a special present for me, my mum has given me one of her “treasures” which I have loved ever since I was a small child – a little glass and silver perfume bottle which has always lived on her dressing table. I am so thrilled to have this and will treasure it always.

3 Silver and Glass Bottle

We have been blessed by so much kindness, and everyone has been so happy for us as we celebrate 25 years of marriage. Most of all, I am grateful for such a wonderful husband who puts up with me and does so much for me, and for all that we share and enjoy together, for our home and extended family, for our lovely kitties, for the things we both enjoy doing, and for all the fun we have.


  1. Congratulations Shoshi! Enjoy every moment of it!

  2. How wonderful!!! First, Congratulations on 25 years of wedded bliss and I wish you 25 more! Reading this post brought tears to my eyes!! How beautiful everything sounds. I just adore the necklace - GORGEOUS!!! Sounds like you had a great time, Congratulations :)


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