Well, here’s some amazing news from Shoshi – managed to spend some time in the studio this week and actually start creating again!! It felt good, good, good.
My desk on Tuesday evening:
Over on the other side of the room it’s pretty chaotic as well, because I’ve got a lot of knitting stuff out – no point putting it away while I’m still looking for colours for my socks!
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I needed to make a card quickly for someone but as it turned out, I knew I wouldn’t get it finished in time, so I found one I’d made some time ago and gave her that one instead, but continued with what I’d started. Unfortunately the Infusions Mini-Album is still on the back burner but I have been working with Infusions again.
Remember this technique using gesso from my mini-album?
I really loved the effect you can get by applying gesso to the surface, sprinkling on Infusions and then brayering over it. It gives a gorgeous subtle streaked effect.
In the four samples above, I did the first one (top left) in the standard way, and the rest were the result of mopping up the mess on the craft sheet, and adding more gesso and infusions. The Infusions subtly colour the gesso the more they are mixed.
I made a selection of die-cut circles from these samples. I’ve started making some card bases with gesso and inked backgrounds to put these on, and they will then be embellished in various ways. This is a stash-busting exercise as much as anything – covering up some over-bright card I couldn’t see myself using, and turning it into something useful!
The outer two pieces in the above photo were done with gesso and some stamping with Distress Inks, and the centre one just with Distress Inks and Infusions. You can see full details of these here.
The project from our church to provide socks for the homeless is ongoing. I’ve finished the blue pair and am very pleased with the result. They are great fun to do.
I’ve now started on a really bright pair, using rainbow colours with black. Why knit boring colours when you can go a bit wild and make something that not only keeps people’s feet warm but can help brighten their lives a bit too, with a bit of fun and colour?
I am hoping to complete at least one more pair after this, and hopefully if the appeal goes on, I can continue – but even if it doesn’t, there’s an initiative from the local churches to help the homeless in lots of different ways, so there will be an open channel to continue to use.
The kittens are still in their little suits.
We are taking them back to the vet’s this week so that Lily’s stitches can be removed, and they can both have a good check-up to make sure they have done OK since their operations. Lily has been on antibiotics since her operation because they found an ulcer in her mouth, and this needs to be checked too. The poor little thing has had diarrhoea since being on the antibiotics and I think we are all keen for her to finish them asap so she can get back to normal! She’s been a bit subdued, which isn’t surprising. Ruby has been her usual bumptious self – that kitty is so full of enthusiasm for life and has the exuberant character of Tigger in the Winnie the Pooh stories! It’s very flattering how much she loves me and how she gazes up at me when I’m giving her a cuddle, and she instantly turns on her little purr engine! After years of two kitties who hardly gave me the time of day if my hubby was around, this is such a joy!
I shall miss it when her little suit comes off. She looks so like a little baby in a babygro! That is one dinky kitty.
Lily is definitely more bonded to my hubby than she is to me. I am so glad about that, and the fact that we now have “one each” as it were!
Health Update
Still no appointment from the hospital for me to see my surgeon. The hernia is causing me intermittent problems (slight pain and discomfort, and Kermit, my stoma, is definitely not as settled or easy to manage as he was last year) and it’s now visible. I am most anxious to avoid a repeat of what happened at the beginning of the year – it was exactly in this state when I had the blockage that put me in hospital for 2 1/2 weeks… I really hope my surgeon can be persuaded to get this sorted once and for all.
I had a blood test at the surgery on Monday in advance of my oncology appointment next week. This will be the final 6-monthly check-up, as it is now two years since I got my all-clear; thereafter they will see me once a year for three years, and then, all being well, I will be discharged. I’m not a bit concerned about next week’s appointment as I am convinced the cancer was all dealt with at the time, with surgery and chemo, and also, my latest CT scan in September to check on the hernia also revealed no evidence of cancer.
great infusions backgrounds again - I haven't used mine for a while. IN fact apart from the Christmas cards I haven't done anything for a while, ha ha... Hope the kitties are ok later and you get your hernia sorted soon too! Helen #2
ReplyDeleteLove your socks!
ReplyDeleteI bet you will miss those little suits on the kitties, makes them look even cuter, but they wont!
Have a good week
Christine #14
Oh Shoshi thanks for sharing all the great photos. I love a good snoop around anyone's studio. You have good shelving close at hand. Your kittens are adorable, similar to mine who have gotten bigger ! Fun projects with your backgrounds and the use of the infusions I don't knit, but sure am enjoying the socks I was gifted last year. It's been cold here so early this year. You are using pretty colors. Have a wonderful week.
ReplyDeleteHi Shoshi, love the experiments. Such subtle backgrounds. Hopefully you will get your appointment soon, fingers crossed all goes well with the Oncologist too. The kitties do look adorable in their little coats! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 XxX
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to see you back in the studio, Shoshi, doing what you love you love most! The kitties look very settled in their suits now - I guess they got used to them after a while and it does keep them warm, which is a nice side effect! Hope all goes well at the vets. I used to hate it when Oreo had diarrhea - he often had it as a kitten and then just grew out of it just like that. Hope you'll get a chance to spend some more time in your studio this week!
ReplyDeleteDoes Lily like plain yogurt? That might help restore her gut to normal. Poor little mite!
ReplyDeleteRose #29
P.S. Forgot to mention I like that gesso technique look
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear the cancer is all clear so far. The kitties are so funny! I can imagine how much fun you are having if one has a dodgy belly.
ReplyDeleteHave a good week!
Ellie #13
Hi Shoshi. Good to see you crafting again! THose kitties do look so cute in their little suits. Socks look great. I keep meaning to start some knitting but am so tired at night I find I have no enthusiasm to start.Hope you get that appointment soon. Anne x #22
ReplyDeleteHappy WOYWW. I published my blog post early this morning and been busy all day, and then went out to my Spanish evening class (nearly didn't go after falling whilst out on the farmyard and knocked my right side quite badly - took some Ibuprofen and managed the drive there and back ok, but got some interesting bruising coming up!). I know I won't be able to sleep much tonight without some chemical assistance, so taking some time to comment on blogs and relax in front of the tv for a while. I love your socks. Your colour choices are great. I think those Infusions look a lot like the Pixie Powders I have. Will give the gesso method a try, as I have a new star punch from Lidl and keen to get some interesting sheets to punch. Yes, your kitties do look cute in those suits - but you will all be relieved when they are 'naked' again and can get back to the serious business of growing. Hope that a surgeon appointment is made soon. Horrible waiting. Ali x #3
ReplyDeleteHi Shoshi, I'm loving your Infusions work - the top two samples look like Silver Birch bark - I think it's the hint of green that does it - they really are fabulous.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for looking for info for the carousel - it sounds like you spent quite a bit of energy and time trying to find the original info, and I do appreciate it. I would love an idea of dimensions, but please don't go to too much trouble.
The socks have turned out beautifully - I love the bright colours of the next pair too.
I'm not taking part this week as I've had too much one, but thank you for contacting me about the carousel, and I hope all goes well with the kitties at the vet and you get a decision on your hernia.
Diana x
Gosh love those socks homeless people will always need socks. Your kitties are beautiful, their colouring is gorgeous. Hope you get all good results. Anickoana 35
ReplyDeleteAw, love that necessity has driven you to your desk and suddenly its all talking to you again! Like the infusions and the Breyer idea - clever you.
ReplyDeleteGood news on the CAncer front. Your kitties are so cute! Grown so much!!
ReplyDeleteHi Shoshi,
ReplyDeleteSounds like you've been very busy and you'll be eating like the gentry this winter! The pheasant sounds delicious. I appreciate you saying you'll get the measurements, please don't put yourself to too much trouble and if it's more convenient to wait until after Christmas when everything calms down a bit then that's fine. It also sounds like you've got your hands full with the kitties too - hope they are still doing well with their little suits and vet visits.
Diana x
Hi Shoshi! So sorry to hear about Nicholas breaking his leg - and so close to Christmas too! Hope he gets back on his feet again soon - I have only ever torn a ligament, never broken a bone, but I remember the first week was the hardest while I was skipping around on one foot, but once I got my walking cast, it was much easier to get around. Thanks so much for visiting despite all this upheaval. Hope the kitties are doing ok and you'll be back blogging soon. I'm not sure I can make this week's WOYWW, but I'll try!