Wednesday, 21 March 2012

WOYWW 146–World War Three??

So… What’s on your workdesk this Wednesday? Whether it’s neat and tidy, a mess, a hive of creativity or a blank space, it’s an opportunity for us all to have a jolly good nose around, courtesy of our lovely hostess, Julia. To join in the fun, click on the WOYWW link in my sidebar.

I’m a bit ashamed to show you mine this week… There’s not actually very much of interest on my workdesk at all – only junk, which is everywhere else too!!! It looks as if World War III has broken out.

I’ve had another stint in my ARTHaven, clearing out stuff. I’ve decided I’ve got far too much junk, and when my hubby retires in a couple of years’ time we’ve got to have an awful lot less stuff than we’ve got now, and given my low energy levels, I thought it would be good to make a start quite a long time before I have to!

Now for a big public admission – I’m a terrible cardboard box hoarder! It’s a bit sad when you have your old favourites that you are reluctant to throw away, isn’t it. I had a huge cardboard box full of… cardboard boxes! This has now GONE!! I’m just keeping a few that might come in useful but the rest have to go.

My ambition initially is to get rid of one whole section of my big black shelving unit (behind the black bookcase on the left of the picture) but I’m not there yet. I’ve already been through my bookcases and weeded out quite a lot of books I don’t want any more – my hubby has had a huge clear out of his and got rid of loads, but knowing him, he’s only got to go past a second hand book shop or a village fete book stall, and he’ll fill all the gaps again!!

As for creativity, all I’ve done this week is finish unravelling my first knitted dress, wash the wool, and start knitting. I’ve done a blog post about that. I’ve also done a small amount on Inkscape but no cutting again this week – poor Sheba, my Black Cat Cougar cutting machine, is complaining again that I didn’t buy her to gather dust! It’s been a fairly busy week, with taking my parents out for lunch on Sunday, and setting up our new TV which involved a lot of exhausting grovelling behind the TV with a torch!

I hope everyone else has been a bit more creative than me this week, and that you will all have a happy WOYWW.


  1. Gosh!! bless you you do have a real busy room going on!! It takes so much time to sort things out I find, but it sounds as though you are getting there ok, Have a good week, Hugs May x x x x x No9

  2. At first I was having a terrible time leaving comments on blogs tonight. They didn't want to post. NOW I get "service unavailable for at least two times I try to leave a comment. I'm getting really frustrated.

    I don't save cardboard, but I seem to save a lot of books. I mentioned you on my blog tonight. Happy WOYWW from # 7.

  3. Oh no, I think I'm going down that road = the saving of boxes road! I've saved a few and have flattened them so they don't take up as much space! hee

    Happy WOYWW

  4. I understand about the cardboard boxes, really I do! You never know when they will come in handy! I'm interested in your knitting post below. Did you take piccies of the dresses before you unravelled them? Just curious. I will come back to see what you do with the wool. (I'm on Ravelry too.) RosA#29

  5. Oh my, you've embarked on quite a project, and good for you for getting on with it! We'll be watching your progress. (I've no # yet as I won't post until tomorrow - only Tuesday night here. I'm getting a head start on visiting those 'cross the pond who've already posted.)

  6. Oh, I get you on the cardboard box hoarding. I realized the other day that 1/3 of the mess in my garage is just boxes inside other boxes!

    Sometimes I think the cleaning and clearing out takes more creativity than any project! Good luck!

    Happy WOYWW!

    Sara S. (#27)

  7. great post! I can relate to needing to clear out a few unused things but I really have a problem do that cause I just know I will need it down the road. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #48

  8. would be worth passing any boxes you dont want to a nursery or preschool as children looovvvveee boxes :)
    good luck with the sorting out

  9. If I lived near you I'd be coming round for a cardboard box! Have a good (decluttering) week!x

  10. Wow you do have a lot of stuff Shoshi,
    I've only just started so feel I've got a long way to go.
    That looks an extremely chair. I don't think I'd be able to get out of it once I sat in it! LOL
    Thank you for letting me take a peek at your desk ~ Happy WOYWW :D

  11. Hee hee, I thought I was the only one who kept empty cardboard boxes... Good luck with the sort out!
    Helen, 21.

  12. Your craft area looks normal to me hahaha check my desk out, yours looks better
    Bridget #64

  13. My goodness you have been busy and you are being busy too. Look forward to seeing the reincarnated wool.
    Hugs, Neet #4 xx
    ps thanks for putting your number - makes life so much easier.

  14. Love it...absolute chaos, that;s what a craft room should be!
    Sophie no.88

  15. It does look a bit like WW3 but show me a craft room that does not, from time to time. Good luck with the black shelf, looking forward to seeing it cleared next week?? Regards, Anne #66

  16. A cardboard box full of cardboard boxes. You did make me laugh. Hope your tidy up goes well.

  17. there is nothing wrong with messiness, I have to say that because my room is probably not as tidy as yours is right now...
    dx @ 74

  18. Loving your ARThaven today :D I hate the way tidying makes things look far worse before things look better x

  19. My mum hoards cardboard boxes too! Thanks for sharing this WOYWW, let the snooping commence! Take care Zo xx 22

  20. You and my mother would get on so well...boxes of cardboard boxes indeed. I thought it was just day that will be my problem to sort through!

  21. Good luck with that clear up, our basement is where we just throw all of our crap because we've got the space.... and then you go down there one day looking for something, you can imagine how that turns out! I shudder to think how many card board boxes we have that might just be useful one day!! I was fascinated with your post about unravelling the dresses and the process so far, what an amazing thing to do!

    Brenda 2

  22. Wow, that's er, CREATIVE!
    Hugs, Sarn x (No. 63 ish)

  23. Where is a desk?:), regards from 136

  24. From one card board box hoarder to another, I understand your plight! I have a hard time tossing any of them never know when your going to need one, right? lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  25. Well done on making a start b4 you have to, it's the best way. And well done on clearing the boxes, I have a similar habit, it's that just in case you need it factor that gets me, but I too am trying to be better at throwing stuff out, good luck with it all :)
    Happy Woyww'ing
    Minxy #23

  26. Well, you can't be creative with other stuff on your mind, and a good cathartic clear out is such a. Great way to get there. Your. Cardboard box thing is a bit inexplicable! How funny! Slowly slowly saves the day and I think making any sort of start is. A good idea..
    So sorry about the full stops and bad grammar, my iPad has a mind of its. Own, and it's driving me bonkers!

  27. hi, me again,re your comment,here is some info on it
    going to use it to glue the pages together to make my niche

  28. I'm a cardboard box hoarder too!!! One day it will all be tidy and you will be finished....... good to start early!

  29. Happy WOYWW...sounds like a lot of us are doing the SPRING thing..sorting etc. No creating here just trying to keep up.."LIFE" it just gets out of sorts sometimes. ENjoy

  30. We had a loft full of cardboard boxes from TVs videos, washing machines etc, just in case we have to send them back. They have all gone now and the loft is totally empty, apart from two suitcases. We are gradually weeding out our books, and putting those we want onto the Kindle. We have managed to get rid of one large bookcase. So keep going and you will love the space you get back. Have a good week. xx Maggie #5

  31. Good on you for thinning things down. I must say I see about the most comfortable looking chair Ihave ever seen in a space!! Thats where I would be parked, dreaming about someone helping me clear the clutter....or is it Ephemera, yes Ido prefer that term.
    Keep smiling and creating..I too save the boxes, so you are not alone!!

  32. You should see our garage - not only do we have the national collection of cardboard boxes (in all shapes and sizes), we also have tissue paper, bubblewrap and those white foamy S shape thingys - and I regularly sort through it trying to make the pile seem smaller. Like yours, my hubby is due to retire in a few years and we have to be ready! LOL

    Sherry x
    WoYwW # 8

  33. Hi there!!
    Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog - it really is much appreciated!
    I love Salisbury, go there shopping all the time (cos Swindon is not my cup of tea!). And yes, I have read Sarum, excellent book, especially when you know all about the places he's writing about! I've read all of his books, liked the one about the New Forest very much!
    I love looking at the little details of places, buildings, art, whatever. It sad that life is so frenetic for some folk that they just don't see the beauty that's in front of them. Perhaps we should start a photographic snippets blog. lol!!
    Good luck with the clearing out :)
    Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

  34. Hi Shoshi - late, I know, blame goes to my dentist, but I was determined to visit you this week. I used to hoard boxes but I've recovered from that, however books are quite another problem ... I just love them and, like your husband, find second-hand shops and stalls hard to resist. Two years ought to see you straight :)) Elizabeth x


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